wake up santa!
we love you!

Whimsy and wonder are front and center in this most delightful of kids Christmas movies!

be part of the legacy

“Santa’s Big Sleep” started as a stage play 20 years ago and will become a Christmas tradition for all ages under the title “Wake Up Santa.” It’s a story of irresistible characters, magic lands and challenging quests. This Sizzle Reel is a wee glimpse into the remarkable and unique story that is Santa’s Big Sleep - a 100 minute roller coaster of laughter, thrills, chills, and tears that brings together the entire world as we face the possible end of the greatest magic known to children everywhere - Santa Claus.

Join us and be part of the Legacy. For investment, production and distribution information contact producer@santasbigsleep.com

“There’s a Mail Strike - Santa Must Take Letters by Email!”

“I Can’t Take Letters from Email!”

“They have
No Heart,
No Soul,
No personality…
No Love”

to the

Meet Rodney, the Chief Elf (in name only). Let’s just say that Rodney’s not the most focused Elf, and makes mistakes, well, all the time. But with Santa asleep, can Rodney find her courage and save Christmas?


do you believe?